Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Work Cited

Crutcher, Chris. Stotan!

"National Child Abuse Statistics".Childhelp.Online. Internet. 15 Jan. 2008. Available:


The six plus one traits of writing are ideas and content, organization, individual voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation. They were all used quite well in the novel, because it was published. But these are my opinions on how the author used each of these.

I felt that most of the six plus one traits of writing were used quite well, although, the presentation was a little interesting. The book is about four swimmers, but it’s not mainly about swimming. Yet the cover of the book has swimmers on it. But I have to say I like the colors, and organization of the cover.

Organization was really good! The book was in such an order that it seemed as if each and every event was placed specifically. There was a point, though; that I felt it was a little to dramatic, but other than that it was really good.

The ideas and content I thought were okay. Some of the content was kind of random, and exaggerated. Like the fact that Nortie’s brother killed himself because of his home life. Why didn’t he run away? I’m sure there were other options and I don’t think suicides in abuse situations are very common. They were real life problems but blown up way out of proportion. Like I said though, they were problems that I believe, are actually real.

I thought that Chris Crutcher used really great individual voice. I was very impressed at how well he expressed his opinions. I think a lot of the thoughts and opinions of the characters were his. I believe he uses his books/ writing to express his opinions.

I can’t say that I really liked the word choice in this novel. I felt like the language used in the book was geared more towards fifth and sixth graders. Not freshman. The sentences were short and the words small. I think it would have had a lot more meaning if he would have written it in more detail.

The sentence fluency was good though. Although most of the sentences were very short, they connected with both the sentence ahead of it, and the sentence after. If the sentences would’ve been longer, I think it would’ve been better though. Or even if the sentences had more detail.

His conventions were obviously good, because the book was published.

I think that he did a really good job, these are just my opinions on the certain aspects of it.