Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Work Cited

Crutcher, Chris. Stotan!

"National Child Abuse Statistics".Childhelp.Online. Internet. 15 Jan. 2008. Available:


The six plus one traits of writing are ideas and content, organization, individual voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, and presentation. They were all used quite well in the novel, because it was published. But these are my opinions on how the author used each of these.

I felt that most of the six plus one traits of writing were used quite well, although, the presentation was a little interesting. The book is about four swimmers, but it’s not mainly about swimming. Yet the cover of the book has swimmers on it. But I have to say I like the colors, and organization of the cover.

Organization was really good! The book was in such an order that it seemed as if each and every event was placed specifically. There was a point, though; that I felt it was a little to dramatic, but other than that it was really good.

The ideas and content I thought were okay. Some of the content was kind of random, and exaggerated. Like the fact that Nortie’s brother killed himself because of his home life. Why didn’t he run away? I’m sure there were other options and I don’t think suicides in abuse situations are very common. They were real life problems but blown up way out of proportion. Like I said though, they were problems that I believe, are actually real.

I thought that Chris Crutcher used really great individual voice. I was very impressed at how well he expressed his opinions. I think a lot of the thoughts and opinions of the characters were his. I believe he uses his books/ writing to express his opinions.

I can’t say that I really liked the word choice in this novel. I felt like the language used in the book was geared more towards fifth and sixth graders. Not freshman. The sentences were short and the words small. I think it would have had a lot more meaning if he would have written it in more detail.

The sentence fluency was good though. Although most of the sentences were very short, they connected with both the sentence ahead of it, and the sentence after. If the sentences would’ve been longer, I think it would’ve been better though. Or even if the sentences had more detail.

His conventions were obviously good, because the book was published.

I think that he did a really good job, these are just my opinions on the certain aspects of it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Background Information

The book Stotan! by Chris Crutcher, was about four teenage boys and one girl. They are all in highschool and love to swim. It's about all the difficulties they must face throughout their senior year. Some of the problems are death, racism, abuse, drugs, and relationship problems.

The four boys, Lion, Jeff, Walker, and Nortie, are on their high school football team . They decide to sign up for a week of workout over Christmas break. It's called Stotan Week. They don't know what they're getting into. It's hard, but they learn a lot in the end.

This book takes place in the North West United States. I'm not sure what year, but I'm thinking somewhere between 1960 and 1980. They talk a lot about hippies, so I'm guessing somewhere in that time frame.

Walker is the main character. He has a few problems, but they're mostly ones he brings upon himself. His main problem is that he has a girlfriend, and he doesn't really like her, but doesn't have the guts to break up with her. He also has a huge crush on his best girl friend, but she has a boyfriend. She also only sees him as a friend. At the end of the book he realizes that living a lie isn't worth it. So he makes up his mind to break up with her, and get things straightened out.

Jeff has just one problem really. That problem is that he has a deadly blood disease. He has everything in the world going for him though! He's athletic, smart, and has an older girlfriend. But he's watching himself die, and can't do anything about it. Except let people know what he's learned, so they have some advice for the future.

Lion also only has one problem. That problem is his anger. He has very strong opinions and is willing to fight for them, but sometimes he lets his anger get the best of him. He threatens people a lot, and gets really anger about racism. But towards the end of the book he tries to put his anger towards his swimming.

Nortie definitely has his fair share of problems. His first problem would be the fact that he’s abused by his Dad. His Dad gets very angry and hurts not only Nortie, but also Nortie’s Mom. Nortie also had his brother commit suicide, because he didn’t think his life was worth living. Also he has a black girlfriend (he’s white) and it seems that many people don’t like that. His Dad finds out and hurts Nortie for it. Then Nortie is wandering around, and runs into Walker’s brother. Walker’s brother gives him some drugs, and tells him it’ll make him feel better. Nortie takes them, because he’s really out of it from being hit by his Dad. Later Nortie decides that this life isn’t worth living, so he moves in with Walker.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


I researched child abuse, because I felt like that was the main problem in the book Stotan! by Chris Crutcher. The information below is what I found out.

Every week the CPS (child protective services) receive 50,000 reports of suspected child abuse. 2.6 million reports of 4.5 million children were made, in 2002. Although only two thirds, or about 67 percent of the cases had enough information to be investigated. 896,000 children were found to have been victims of abuse. That’s, on average, 2450 a day.

Many children are abused, and it doesn't matter whether you're a girl or boy. It doesn't matter what race you are either. In 2002 they found that 54% were white, 26% were African American, 11% were Hispanic, 2% were American Indian or Alaska Native, and 1% were Asian-Pacific Islanders. Unfortunately enough, age doesn't matter either. Although, younger children seem to be more of a target. In 2002 41% of the children killed due to abuse related issues were under one year old. 76% were under the age of four.

Abuse is very dangerous, and its not just physical abuse. It can also be emotional abuse, sexual abuse, or even neglect. There are many types of abuse, and all are very dangerous. Neglect, though, may be the most dangerous of all of them.

According to four children die every day from abuse. Three out of four of these kids are under the age of four. And 80% of the teenagers that are abused have one or more type of psychiatric disorder.

Abuse is a very sad thing. It’s also very serious and needs to be taken seriously.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blog #3

After writing my last two blogs I was thinking about this. I did mention a little about it in my second blog. What if Chris Crutcher wrote a sequel to Stotan!? Would the problems in the previous book be solved? Would new problems be posed?

I think that if Chris Crutcher wrote another novel it would be very similar in ways and very different. I don’t think Jeff would make it. I think he would die quickly and painfully, but it would hurt the others around him. I think that the boys would stop believing in being a stotan because: “I didn’t work for Jeff, why would it work for us?”

I think that after awhile though they would realize that being a stotan doesn’t mean you have to beat everything that comes your way. Just do it with as much integrity and strength you have. But if you don’t make it, it’s ok. You tried, and didn’t give up, and that’s what being a stotan means.

I think Colleen would become a larger character in the book, becoming better friends with Lion, Nortie, and Walker. She would need people to talk to about Jeff in this time of remorse. I think she would also become pretty good friends with Elaine.

I believe Elaine would also realize that dating Mr. Wilson just wasn’t right. She seemed like a very levelheaded young lady. Dating a teacher didn’t seem like something she would do. I think he will find someone else, and she’ll be sad, but deal with it. I don’t think she would date Walker, but you never know. I think Elaine will stick with older men, seeing as she’s pretty mature for her age.

Speaking of Walker, I don’t think he’ll be able to break up with Devnee. I think eventually she’ll realize things will never really work out with her and Walker and she’ll break up with him. I think he’ll be so relieved, but sad at the same time. He definitely couldn’t decide between girls but he did have feelings. Like I said though, I don’t think Elaine and Walker will ever get together.

I don’t think Max’s problems with his ex-wife will ever get better. I think he’ll be able to see his daughter more, but never as much as he’d like to. I think he’ll tell his story to the boys, and they’ll use it to their advantage in the future.

I think that things will stay the same as far as Lion and Nortie go. Although I think Lion will learn to use his anger in a positive way. Maybe use it once in the pool! I think Nortie will stay with Milika and people will stop being negative about their relationship. I don’t think that people will ever be happy with it though.
This is just what I think. I’m sure you guys have other ideas! But tell me what you guys think!

Blog #2

I thought that Chris Crutcher was very good at posing the problems teens have in high school. Even though he did have a drama overload at some points.

I thought that the problem that I related to the most was Walker’s problems with relationships. He was constantly thinking about what he should do next. I think that many of high school students have the same problem. Although I thought it was pretty funny how he wanted the girl he couldn’t have in a million years. And how she would probably beat him up if he told her. That made me giggle.

Another thing that made me giggle was how no matter how hard he tried Walker just couldn’t break up with Devnee. The last line was about how he was going out (once again) to break up with Devnee. If there were a sequel to this book, Devnee and Walker would still be together. He would still be trying to tell her he didn’t like her. He would also still be dreaming about Elaine.

There were so many problems discussed in this novel. Some of them were relationships, friendships, drugs, alcohol, families, abuse, fear, and death. He put a lot of little issues in between also, because he wanted you to see everything. Not just what people wear on the outside. He wants you to know what he likes teenagers think and feel also. Not just what they tell people.

Chris Crutcher ended the novel Stotan! without answering any questions. I think he did this because he didn’t want to answer them. He wanted to point out and discuss the many problems teens face. But he wasn’t going to give you answers. Starting the book you thought, or at least I did, that he would pose the problems and then show how Walker fixed them. But instead he left them unanswered. He wanted you to think and wonder; what would I do? How would I fix this? He wants you to seek the answers, not fix them because of what you read or hear.

I thought it was a little funny how the book looks like it’s about a bunch of jocks that swim. But I didn’t feel like there was very much about swimming. And in fact I think those boys, and girl, were the exact opposites of jocks. They worked hard in school, and were made fun of a lot, and ran into various problems. But they kept their heads up and continued trekking. I don’t know many teenagers could do that.

I think that all in all Chris Crutcher is a good author. I can’t have too much of an opinion because I’ve only read one of his books. But in Stotan! he puts in a lot of hidden messages that makes you think. Well, it made me think!

I was really impressed by how Chris Crutcher posed his problems and “fixed them”. I hope that people didn’t just read the book. I hope they thought about it too. And maybe acted on a few of the things he said.

Monday, January 7, 2008


My Chris Crutcher novel was called Stotan!. I can’t say that I loved this novel but it wasn’t bad. There were parts of the novel that made me really angry, and I thought they were stupid. There were ideas presented in the novel that didn’t make sense at all. I don’t think he’s experienced a lot of problems he had in this novel.

One of the problems he had in this novel was child abuse. One of the characters, Nortie Wheeler, was abused frequently by his Father. Nortie was often talking about how upset he was, with his Father, yet he wanted to please him so badly. I don’t think he should have been so up close and personal on how Nortie felt, if he himself didn’t know how abused children feel. That’s a feeling, I don’t believe, that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Yet it was thrown around in the book quite a bit, with feelings, I don’t necessarily think are true.

I also think he put in way to many problems. At some points it seemed like an over load. Between deaths, girlfriends, drugs, and abuse, it became fairly unrealistic. That may have been what he was going for, but it was very confusing. I don’t believe that in one year a group of five teenagers could run into that much drama. I’m pretty sure it’s impossible, especially because at least 3/4 of their problems were pure fate.

I have to say though, that at some points in this book it did deal with real life issues of teenagers. He was right there, and on the dot, with the relationship issues they all ran into. Although I’m pretty sure any level headed teenage girl, wouldn’t date a student teacher. I thought that was pretty messed up. It was also very weird, because throughout the book he’s talking about how intelligent she is, and how she doesn’t date many people, and isn’t nice to very many guys.

I thought it was really sad how Walker’s brother was so messed up, and that his parents didn’t want anything to do with him. I’ve seen families like that, where they shut out people because they make a few mistakes, I think it’s very sad. I know that you can’t allow people to ruin your life with their problems, but I think it would have been good to at least get him into rehabilitation.

All in all this wasn’t a bad book, I just felt as if it was a drama overload. It also was mostly unrealistic when taken all together, but each event within itself was very realistic. I wouldn’t read it again, but I didn’t absolutely hate it. I just think he should have had at least a few more good things happen, because it was a very sad book. But like I said, all in all it wasn’t horrible.