Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blog #2

I thought that Chris Crutcher was very good at posing the problems teens have in high school. Even though he did have a drama overload at some points.

I thought that the problem that I related to the most was Walker’s problems with relationships. He was constantly thinking about what he should do next. I think that many of high school students have the same problem. Although I thought it was pretty funny how he wanted the girl he couldn’t have in a million years. And how she would probably beat him up if he told her. That made me giggle.

Another thing that made me giggle was how no matter how hard he tried Walker just couldn’t break up with Devnee. The last line was about how he was going out (once again) to break up with Devnee. If there were a sequel to this book, Devnee and Walker would still be together. He would still be trying to tell her he didn’t like her. He would also still be dreaming about Elaine.

There were so many problems discussed in this novel. Some of them were relationships, friendships, drugs, alcohol, families, abuse, fear, and death. He put a lot of little issues in between also, because he wanted you to see everything. Not just what people wear on the outside. He wants you to know what he likes teenagers think and feel also. Not just what they tell people.

Chris Crutcher ended the novel Stotan! without answering any questions. I think he did this because he didn’t want to answer them. He wanted to point out and discuss the many problems teens face. But he wasn’t going to give you answers. Starting the book you thought, or at least I did, that he would pose the problems and then show how Walker fixed them. But instead he left them unanswered. He wanted you to think and wonder; what would I do? How would I fix this? He wants you to seek the answers, not fix them because of what you read or hear.

I thought it was a little funny how the book looks like it’s about a bunch of jocks that swim. But I didn’t feel like there was very much about swimming. And in fact I think those boys, and girl, were the exact opposites of jocks. They worked hard in school, and were made fun of a lot, and ran into various problems. But they kept their heads up and continued trekking. I don’t know many teenagers could do that.

I think that all in all Chris Crutcher is a good author. I can’t have too much of an opinion because I’ve only read one of his books. But in Stotan! he puts in a lot of hidden messages that makes you think. Well, it made me think!

I was really impressed by how Chris Crutcher posed his problems and “fixed them”. I hope that people didn’t just read the book. I hope they thought about it too. And maybe acted on a few of the things he said.

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